Thursday, April 19, 2012

Anthony Hopkins Is The Spitting Image Of Alfred Hitchcock

Hopkins Hitchcock

We knew that having an actor like Anthony Hopkins play a director as iconic as Alfred Hitchcock could only result in good things. We were wrong. This first photo of Hopkins in "Hitchcock" is amazing.

Plus, find out what Daniel Craig thinks of Bond's new beer happen and what Darren Aronofsky is planning for his George Washington movie in today's Dailies.

» Paramount is considering acquiring "The General," a George Washing biopic from Darren Aronofsky that supposedly comparisons to "Unforgiven." We've already bought tickets. [Variety]

» Every engaged couple needs a wedding blog, so Tom and Violet, Jason Segel and Emily Blunt's characters from "The Five-Year Engagement," have one for your viewing pleasure. [Tom & Violet]

» In a perfect example of the artist finding just the right material, "Drive" director Nicolas Winding Refn is producing a remake of "Maniac Cop." [Twitch]

» This promo for the third season of "Louie" references the opening of Woody Allen's "Manhattan" and is kind of perfect. [Collider]

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